Friday, January 21, 2022

JAN 2022 CLC World Missions Prayer List...


 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, 
just as it is with you... 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Myanmar – Life continues to be difficult for our brothers and sisters in Myanmar as the military junta continues to rule with severe brutality.  Many protestors have been imprisoned, killed, or missing for many months.  The military has decreed that no public gatherings can take place, keeping many Christians from gathering for worship and prayer.  Most government offices and services remain closed along with banks and financial institutions.  Food and daily necessities are scarce, and prices have inflated.  Pray for justice and peace for all the people of Myanmar.  Pray especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ that the Lord will grant them strength, courage, and boldness during these difficult times.

Kenya  -- Ted Quade, who is called by the CLC Bd of Missions to serve as the Christian School Instructor Supervisor, and Missionary Ohlmann are scheduled to visit the two schools in Kenya that are supported through offerings to Kinship.  Pray for safe and uneventful travels and the Lord’s blessings on their work with the teachers, staff, and students of Etago and Moi’s Bridge schools.

India – Persecution continues to increase in many places throughout India. Karnataka State, home to several CLC affiliated congregations, recently passed an "anti-conversion" law.  Enemies of Christ often abuse these laws by filing false complaints to persecute Christians and new believers.  Pray for continued protection against persecution and for boldness and confidence to spread the Gospel amid these dangers.

Tanzania – In November, five students of the Tanzania-CLC seminary recently graduated and were ordained as TZ-CLC pastors.  A new cohort of ten students have enrolled and are scheduled to begin classes at the end of January.  They will begin their first year of the four-year training program.  Pastor Michael Gondwe has been called to serve full-time as the Academic Dean and one of four instructors at the seminary.  Pastor Kimimele has been called to take his place as the Tanga District Pastor.  Ask for the Lord’s blessings on these new students and those called to teach and train them.  Pray that the Lord will provide the necessary gifts and wisdom and all that is necessary for Pastors Gondwe and Kimimele as they take up their new duties.
Togo – Construction on a classroom and small dormitory continues on the land north of Lomé.  The long-term plan for this property is to serve as the church headquarters and Bible institute.  They would like to finish the first phase of construction so that classes can begin in late January.  Pray that the Lord would continue to bless the construction work so that classes can begin soon.  

2022 Mission Helper Trip – The CLC Mission Helper Trips in 2020 and 2021 were canceled due to the pandemic.  Plans are currently underway for a trip to East Africa (Tanzania and Zambia) in July of 2022.  Nine individuals have volunteered to participate.  Our brothers and sisters in Christ in East Africa are eager for the Mission Helper Teams to come again to assist them in the work of proclaiming God’s saving word.  Pray that our Savior will clear any obstacles that may stand in the way of this trip and that plans will go smoothly.

Uganda – Pastor Daniel Mugeni has studied with CLC missionaries and attended pastoral conferences in Kenya for many years.  Missionary Mike Gurath and Board of Doctrine member Pastor Andrew Schaller are conducting the formal process of reviewing Pastor Mugeni’s doctrinal positions for a possible recommendation for a declaration of fellowship.  Pray that the Lord would bless this process of establishing God-pleasing fellowship.

Nepal – Progress on the building project has been delayed due to Covid restrictions and Hindu holidays.  They are nearing completion and have begun moving into the building.  The building will be dedicated, and seminary classes will begin in March.  With a lifting of Covid restrictions, the HCLCN is planning to start more preaching stations and continue construction and repairs on church buildings in the coming months.  Thank the Lord for His continued blessings on the building project and ask Him to grant patience to Raju, his family, and the students as they wait for completion.  Ask the Lord to bless the teaching of His Word in this building that many more faithful preachers and teachers will be trained to proclaim the saving truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Pray also for those who will be reached with the Gospel during the evangelism trips that are planned, that many will hear, repent, believe in Jesus, and rejoice with us in God’s grace and mercy!

Bangladesh – Pastor Monotosh asks that we continue to pray for several individuals who have recently converted to Christianity from Hinduism.  These individuals have been physically assaulted, persecuted, and falsely accused of crimes.  One man (an evangelist/elder) and his wife were assaulted.  The evangelist/elder is still hospitalized with a fractured skull and brain damage.  Ask the Lord to protect and defend His new disciple and give him the necessary strength and courage to persevere under persecution.

Zambia, D.R. Congo, Liberia, Nigeria, and Mexico – please continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who are struggling to stay healthy, provide for their families and the ministry as they proclaim the Gospel…trusting the promise of our Savior that His Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sent it.

Missionary Evensen – continues to translate Online Theological Studies lessons and courses into French for use in Togo and other French-speaking nations in Africa and elsewhere.   Ask for the Lord’s continued blessings on the translation work so that many more can benefit from learning the truths of God’s saving word in their language and that many more will be well prepared to serve in the Gospel ministry.

Missionary Ohlmann – recently returned from a one-month visit to Tanzania in mid-December.  He has plans to travel to Kenya, Nepal, and Bangladesh in the early months of 2022.  Ask the Lord to bless the trip preparations and to clear any obstacles that may stand in the way of his travels and work.

The Philippines – Missionary Ohlmann has been corresponding with an independent Lutheran pastor in the Philippines for the past several months.  He led this pastor through a series of Online Theological Studies based on the CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose.  Correspondence has been going very well.  A visitation is tentatively planned for some time in the spring of 2022.  Pray that the Lord would continue to bless this correspondence, that it will lead to a God-pleasing unity of faith and teaching.  Ask the Lord to provide opportunities and all that is necessary for Pastor Jordan to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!

New and Ongoing Opportunities – The Lord continues to provide opportunities to proclaim the truths of His saving Word in a variety of ways in different areas of the world.  Thank the Lord for the privilege of teaching the truths of His saving Word to others!  Pray for these individuals and all those around the world that we are working with as they seek to grow in their understanding of God’s Word to be better equipped to spread the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ!

God be merciful to us and bless us, 
And cause His face to shine upon us,
That Your way may be known on earth, 
Your salvation among all nations.  Psalm 67:1–2

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