Liberia – Missionary Peter Evensen (resident missionary to Togo) is currently working with Pastor Joseph Kwiwalazu as they conduct Bible seminars in Liberia and Guinea. Pastor John Hein (part-time visiting missionary to Liberia) continues cancer treatments and is unable to travel at this time. Ask the Lord to bless the treatments that Pastor Hein is receiving along with both strength and healing. Pray also for comfort and encouragement for his family and all those he is called to serve both at home and abroad. Pray for the Lord’s continued blessings on the work of Missionary Evensen and Pastor Kwiwalazu as they teach and train others in the truths revealed in God’s word and for the wisdom and provision to conduct the work He has given to all those involved.
–Pastor Monotosh continues to spread
the Gospel in new areas of Bangladesh. He recently reported that recently one young
lady has been baptized and two families have been received into the fellowship
of the BLCM after seven months of Bible instruction. Pastor Monotosh also reports that they are
completing negotiations on a piece of land upon which they hope to build a multipurpose
building that would be used as a church headquarters, worship facility, and Bible
School for training pastors and church leaders. The Board of Missions has approved a grant
from the Mission Development Fund to assist the BLCM in purchasing land. Once
the land is purchased and the building is constructed, this will be a great blessing
for the BLCM. Over the past few years, they have had to move several times
because of persecution. Missionary Ohlmann is planning a visit to Bangladesh in
early May. Ask the Lord to continue to bless both the preaching and
hearing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the BLCM. Pray for the Lord’s
wisdom and provision as the BLCM finalizes plans for the purchase of land
and the construction of a building.
– The students at the Wittenberg
Lutheran Theological Seminary in Arusha are scheduled to return to classes on
Monday, January 16th. They will have five students from Tanzania
along with two students from the Kenya-CLC enrolled in the three-year seminary
course. Three additional students will be enrolled in the one-year pre-seminary/evangelism
course. The pre-seminary students will spend one-year studying basic theology,
Bible History, Evangelism, and English. At the conclusion of the pre-seminary
year of classes, the faculty will evaluate each student. Some students will receive
an Evangelist certificate and be assigned to a congregation. Students who
demonstrate the necessary gifts and commitment will move on to the three-year
seminary program to prepare for ordination and a call into the pastoral
ministry. Ask for the Lord’s blessings on these students and those
called to teach and train them.
Missionary – Pastor Bruce Naumann
has been led to accept the divine call to serve as a resident Missionary to
Tanzania. His primary responsibility will be assisting the TZ-CLC as they
continue to develop the Wittenberg Lutheran Theological Seminary. He will be
teaching several classes and helping to develop seminary curriculum that will
be used for years to come to train faithful pastors and leaders. Missionary Naumann
will be commissioned in mid-March and is planning to take up residence in
Tanzania by the last week of March. This will give him a couple of weeks
to get settled before second-semester classes begin shortly after the Easter
break. Following a one-month furlough in the U.S. this summer he will be joined
by his wife Paula when he returns to Tanzania in August in time for the
beginning of the third semester. Thank the Lord for providing a faithful
servant to take up this important work of training more workers for the harvest
fields of East Africa and his faithful and willing wife! Ask for the Lord’s
blessings and wisdom as Missionary Naumann and Paula make final preparations to
take up this new calling.
– Pastor Raju recently reported that
classes at the Himalayan Bible Institute have resumed with ten students in
attendance. Thank the Lord for these
students who are dedicated to learning and teaching God’s word so that others
may be led to repent of their sins and rejoice in faith that their sins are forgiven
and that they have a home in heaven.
Mexico – Pastor Olvera’s son was recently hospitalized and
underwent emergency surgery for intestinal blockage. The surgery was successful
and he has returned home. The CLC Board of Missions and Kinship Committee were
able to provide a medical aid grant to assist with the hospital and medical. It
has been a few years since a visit has been made to our brothers and sisters in
Mexico. Missionary Ohlmann is planning a visit sometime in 2023. Thank the
Lord for His love, protection, and provision in caring for Pastor Olvera’s
son. Ask the Lord to continue to bless Pastor Olvera’s efforts to
proclaim the Gospel in Mexico and to train others to join him in this work.
Philippines – Pastor Jordan Palangyos has
completed the first introductory Online Theological Study course based on the
CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose. Missionary Ohlmann and Pastor Rob Sauers (Bd
of Missions member) are planning an initial face-to-face visit in late April. Pray
that the Lord would continue to bless this correspondence and that it will
lead to a God-pleasing unity of faith and teaching. Ask the Lord to
provide opportunities and all that is necessary for Pastor Jordan to proclaim
the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Zambia – While Missionary Ohlmann was in Zambia in December,
an organizational meeting was held with representatives from the three areas of
Zambia where the CLC has been actively involved for several years. This meeting
was scheduled to take place a few years but was postponed due to the pandemic. Pastors
from the northern Copperbelt District (near the DR Congo border), the Lusaka
District, and the Livingstone District in the south (near the Zimbabwe border)
met and discussed the progress on registration of the ZCLC and officially
elected District Leaders. They also discussed plans for ongoing quarterly Pastoral
Training Seminars. They plan to meet again in March to finalize plans and distribute
registration certificates. This is a big and important step forward for the
work in Zambia. Thank the Lord for His blessings on these efforts to
organize the work of the ZCLC in a decent and orderly way. Pastor Ibrahim
reports several new contacts and a few prospective students for the Martin
Luther Bible School. Pray that the Lord would grant Pastor Ibrahim an
extra measure of wisdom as he continues to lead and organize the work of the ZCLC.
Thank the Lord for the opportunity to be a part of these efforts to
faithfully proclaim the Good News of Jesus in Zambia.
–The CLC Bd of Missions (BoM) recently
began sending the MDF Grant funds that were approved to assist with much-needed
classroom repairs and construction at both schools. Give thanks to the Lord
for the privilege of assisting our brothers and sisters in Christ in the
training of so many young souls through the two schools that are supported
through Kinship. Pray for the Lord’s continued blessings upon the
teachers, students, and staffs of St. David’s Kinship School and Emmaus
Millimani School as they grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
India – After many years of faithful and dedicated service to
the many sheep of our Savior’s CLC-India flock, the Lord recently called His
servant V.S. Benjamin to his eternal rest. Pray that the Lord will continue to provide
hope, comfort, courage, and joy to the many who loved and appreciated this faithful
servant of Christ as they mourn.
Pakistan - Pastor Tim Daub continues to teach online video Bible lessons to a group of Christians who are eager to start a Lutheran church in Pakistan. The Board of Missions has authorized Missionary Ohlmann to accompany Pastor Daub on a visit when the time comes. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless the teaching and learning of His word. Thank our Savior for this opportunity and the technology to proclaim the truth of His word in such a way.
– Our brothers and sisters in Christ
in Myanmar, especially in Chin State continue to struggle under the harsh rule
of the military Junta that has brought much pain, suffering, economic hardship,
and uncertainty. Recent reports indicate that more than two million people have
been displaced since the military coup in February of 2021. Pray for
justice and peace for all the people of Myanmar. Pray especially for our
brothers and sisters in Christ that the Lord will grant them strength, courage,
and boldness during these difficult times and that He will provide for their
Congo – Missionary Ohlmann was able to
spend a few weeks in the DRC this past November and December visiting congregations
and conducting Bible training seminars. He also spent one week teaching fifteen
students at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Bible School. Much progress has been made
on the Bible School facilities and ten of the fifteen students are preparing to
graduate in the Fall of 2023. Missionaries Evensen and Ohlmann are planning to
be on hand to hear each student deliver the oral defense of their doctrinal
thesis’ in the Fall. Ask for the Lord’s continued blessings on the
training of pastors and spreading the truth of God’s word in D.R. Congo.
D.R. Congo (Kinshasa) - From CLC President Mike Eichstadt - Declaration of fellowship: Upon the recommendation of Missionaries Todd Ohlmann and Peter Evensen, I am happy to declare fellowship with Pastor Jacques Pondi Lumiangu and the Eglise Confessionnelle Lutherienne Sainte Faille au Congo (E.C.L.S.A.FA.CO), located in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Pastor Lumiangu was trained by an LCMS affiliate, but became troubled by the false teachings he encountered. He and his congregation subsequently left that fellowship and became an independent confessional Lutheran church. Pastor Lumiangu’s first contact with the CLC was with Pastor Timothy Daub on Facebook. Pastor Lumiangu has thoroughly studied the CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose and has submitted essay answers to doctrinal colloquy questions. He writes, “I am convinced that we are in doctrinal agreement and that we are united in the same mind and same judgment (1 Cor. 1:10); therefore, we wish to be officially recognized as a sister synod of the CLC here in the Democratic Republic of Congo.” Missionaries Ohlmann and Evensen met with Pastor Lumiangu Nov. 1-6, 2022 and are confident of his understanding of Scripture’s doctrines and of his agreement with the CLC. Pastor Lumiangu is currently training three men from his congregation to be pastors to be sent out to establish sister congregations which will faithfully preach and teach God’s Word.
Missionary Upcoming Travels – Missionary
Ohlmann recently returned from an eight-week visit to Africa where he visited
and worked with pastors and leaders in Nigeria, DR Congo, Tanzania, and Zambia.
He will return to Africa in February to attend and host the West Africa CLC
Pastoral Conference in Lomé, Togo. Pastors from Togo, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana,
and Liberia will spend three days growing in their understanding of God’s word
and encouraging one another in the work that the Lord has blessed them with. In
late March he will travel to Tanzania to be on hand to help introduce and
install Missionary Bruce Naumann and to help him get accustomed to and settled
in. In April Missionary Ohlmann is scheduled to spend time in the Philippines, Tokyo,
and Bangladesh. He’ll then be back in the States for a couple of months before
the Mission Helper Trip to Nepal in July. Pray for the Lord’s blessings on the preparation
for these trips and that the Lord will provide safe and uneventful travel. Ask
for the Lord to be with, protect, and provide for Missionary Ohlmann’s family
while he is away. Thank the Lord for His faithfulness in blessing the
truths of His saving Word that are taught throughout the world!
Opportunities – please continue to
pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who by
God’s grace, are dedicated to proclaiming the truths of God’s saving word for
the salvation of souls as they trust the promise of our Savior that His Word
will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sent it.
That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation
among all nations. Psalm 67:2