Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 2022 - CLC World Missions Prayer List

 …pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified... 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Myanmar – The political situation continues to be a struggle for our brothers and sisters in Christ of the CLC-Myanmar. While the protests and riots have died down somewhat, there is still much unrest and uncertainty as the Military Junta deals very harshly with the citizens.  Corrupt local militias control many rural areas of Myanmar where the CLC-M is located.  With the rising costs and scarcity of basic necessities, most of the member families of the CLC-M are barely surviving from what little they can raise and barter on their small farms.  Unusually early and severe storms and heavy rains have destroyed the most recent crops, creating a dire situation for many.  The Board of Missions has approved humanitarian aid for our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.  Pray for justice and peace for all the people of Myanmar.  Pray especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ that the Lord will grant them strength, courage, and boldness during these difficult times and that He will provide for their needs.

Bangladesh –Pastor Monotosh continues to spread the Gospel in new areas of Bangladesh.  He recently reported that several adults, children, and infants were baptized and received into membership of the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission (BLCM).  Land recently purchased by a local rural congregation was officially registered with the government and dedicated to the Lord’s service as a new congregation was established.  The BLCM is currently seeking the Lord’s direction and provision in purchasing a small piece of land where they would like to construct a building that would be used for a church headquarters, worship facility, and Bible School for training pastors and church leaders.  Over the past few years, they have had to move several times because of persecution.   Ask the Lord to continue to bless both the preaching and hearing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the BLCM.  Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and provision in their search and plans for a permanent building to carry out the work He has given to the BLCM.

Liberia – The Lord continues to open more doors of opportunity to proclaim the truths of God’s saving word in Liberia and surrounding countries.  Missionary John Hein receives regular reports about these opportunities and works with the leaders of the Liberia-CLC to work with these new contacts.  Missionary Hein is tentatively planning a visit to Liberia in early 2023.  Pray for the Lord’s continued blessings on these efforts to teach and train others in the truths revealed in God’s word and for the wisdom and provision to carry out the work He has given to all those involved.

Kenya/Uganda – Pastor Michael Gurath (visiting Missionary to Kenya and Uganda) and Pastor Luke Bernthal (Kinship secretary) visited Kenya and Uganda in July.  The Lord blessed them with safe travels and a productive visit.  While in Uganda, they met with Pastor Daniel Mugeni to complete the final phase of the colloquy process necessary to declare fellowship.  They reported that everything went well and will recommend a declaration of fellowship to President Eichstadt.  Praise the Lord!  After some troubles with airline strikes and rescheduled flights, they arrived safely back in the U.S. on July 28th.  You can read about the trip here: Give thanks to the Lord for safe travels and His many blessings during this visit, and ask Him to continue to bless the teachers, students, and staffs of St. David’s Kinship School and Emmaus Millimani School as they grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Zambia/2022 Mission Helper Trip – The 2022 Mission Helpers to Zambia returned home a few weeks ago.  The Lord blessed the efforts of the volunteers and the members and leaders of the Zambia-CLC with the opportunity to teach the Good News to more than 3,000 children.  Thank the Lord for the privilege of serving Him in this way and for His blessings of safe travels to and from Zambia.  Ask the Lord to bless the simple Gospel message taught that the Holy Spirit will lead many to trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

Nepal – The heavy rains and landslides of the annual monsoon season bring a halt to much of the activities in the Himalayan foothills, where most of the HCLC-Nepal congregations are located.  With the monsoon season ending soon, the leaders of the HCLCN are planning several outreach efforts and seminars.  Classes continue with ten students in the new Himalayan Bible Institute.  Thank the Lord for His many and continued blessings on the evangelism efforts of the HCLC-Nepal and the work of training more faithful preachers and teachers of God’s saving word to take the Gospel to the many unreached areas of this predominantly Hindu/Buddhist nation.

Togo/Missionary Evensen – Missionary Evensen has been back in the States for the past several weeks attending the CLC convention and preaching at various CLC congregations in Washington State.  He is scheduled to return to Togo on August 18th.  When he returns, he will continue teaching pastoral training classes at the Bible School along with translation and editing courses and lessons for the Online Theological Studies website.   Pray for the Lord’s continued blessings on Evensen’s labors to teach God’s word as he trains more faithful preachers, teachers, and church leaders in Togo and other French-speaking countries. 

India – Leaders of the BELC and CLCI both report many opportunities to proclaim the Gospel even amid the ongoing threats and dangers of persecution.  The Board of Missions continues to consider ways to schedule a visit.  Pray that the Lord will continue to grant boldness, confidence, love, and wisdom to His faithful servants as they unashamedly preach Christ crucified in this predominantly Hindu nation.  Pray also for the teachers and students of CLCI seminary and the BELC Bible Institute that many more men will be equipped to preach and teach God’s saving word.

Tanzania – Classes continue with a new cohort of ten students at the Wittenberg Lutheran Theological Seminary in Arusha.  These students are about halfway through their first-year classes.  The first year is considered a pre-seminary course as they study basic theology, Bible History, and English.  Following this first “pre-seminary” year of classes, the faculty will evaluate each student.  Some students will receive an Evangelist certificate and be assigned to a congregation.  Students who demonstrate the necessary gifts and commitment will move on to the three-year seminary program to prepare for ordination and a call into the pastoral ministry.  Ask for the Lord’s blessings on these new students and those called to teach and train them.

Pakistan - Pastor Tim Daub has led a group of individuals through a study of Luther's Small Catechism and has recently begun an Online Theological Studies course with them.  He has also begun a new Catechism class with several new students.  The students meet for class via internet video twice weekly.  The group includes three independent pastors, several elders, and Sunday school teachers in Faisalabad. The group is eager to start a Lutheran church in Pakistan. The Board of Mission has authorized Missionary Ohlmann to accompany Pastor Daub on a future visit to Pakistan. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless the teaching and learning of His word. Thank our Savior for this opportunity and the technology to proclaim the truth of His Word ins such a way.

Nigeria – Classes continue with six students at Immanuel Lutheran Seminary in Efa, Nigeria.  The NCLC Board has submitted proposals for repairs and improvements to the seminary classrooms, library, office, and dormitories.  The Board of Missions will be prayerfully considering how we can assist with these much-needed projects.  Ask the Lord to provide the necessary wisdom and resources for the proposed projects.  Pray also for the Lord’s continued blessings on training pastors and preaching the Gospel in Nigeria.

D.R. Congo, Mexico, and Ongoing Opportunities – please continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who by God’s grace, are dedicated to proclaiming the truths of God’s saving word for the salvation of souls as they trust the promise of our Savior that His Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sent it.

The Philippines – Correspondence continues with an independent Lutheran pastor in the Philippines.  This pastor has recently completed the first introductory Online Theological Study based on the CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose.  Missionary Ohlmann and a Board of Missions member are planning an initial face-to-face visit.  Pray that the Lord would continue to bless this correspondence, that it will lead to a God-pleasing unity of faith and teaching.  Ask the Lord to provide opportunities and all that is necessary for Pastor Jordan to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Upcoming Missionary Visits – Missionary Ohlmann is planning a busy travel schedule over the next several months with tentative overseas visits and a few preaching, and teaching opportunities here in the U.S. He is planning visits to Nigeria, Togo, the D.R. Congo, Tanzania, and Zambia this Fall.  In early 2023 he is tentatively planning visits to Liberia, Kenya, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and the Philippines.  Pray for the Lord’s blessings on the visa application process, especially for Nigeria and the D.R. Congo, which have proven difficult in the past.

God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us, That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.  Psalm 67:1–2