Monday, January 13, 2020

Prayer List - January 2020

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you...
2 Thessalonians 3:1 (NKJV)

1.    Bangladesh An official colloquy with Pastor Monotosh Banarjee and the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission (BLCM) is scheduled for mid-January. Pastor Monotosh has been in contact with the CLC for nearly four years and has successfully completed several Online Theological Courses. Missionary Ohlmann and Bd of Missions Chairman, Joel Krafft visited the BLCM in February of 2019. President Eichstadt has appointed Pastor David Reim of the CLC Board of Doctrine to represent the CLC in this colloquy. Pastor Reim will accompany Missionary Ohlmann on a visit to Bangladesh for this purpose. They will be leaving for Bangladesh on January 13th. Pray that the Lord will bless this important next step toward establishing a God-pleasing fellowship based upon a unity of faith and doctrine.

2.    Asia – The Joint Asia Pastoral Conference (JAPC) – is a conference for CLC affiliated pastors throughout Asia. It is sponsored by the CLC Board of Missions and funded through the CLC Mission Development Fund. This conference is held every other year in India from January 28-30. Missionary Ohlmann and Pastor David Reim are planning to attend after visiting Bangladesh. As the Lord wills, pastors from India, Nepal, Myanmar, and Bangladesh will be in attendance. Pray that the Lord will bless this effort to encourage and build up the leaders of these church bodies through the essays and Bible studies that will be delivered. Pray also that He will bless and provide for all that is necessary tor such a conference to take place.

3.    D.R. Congo – Seven men have completed four years of theological training and are now ready to graduate and be ordained as pastors in the Congregation Confessionnelle Lutheranienne Du Congo (CCLC). Graduation and ordination services are planned for March. Give thanks to the Lord for providing for the training these men have received through the support of CLC Project Kinship. Ask the Lord to continue to bless their labors that many may be led to repent of their sins and to rejoice in the salvation that Jesus won for all people on the cross.  

4.    Nepal – There are sixteen men who are nearing graduation from the Himalayan Bible Institute. They are scheduled to graduate and be ordained in April of 2020. Missionary Ohlmann is making plans to be in Nepal to attend the service. Pray that the Lord will bless their last few months of formal training and give thanks to the Lord that these men have dedicated themselves to preaching and teaching the truth of His saving word.

5.    Tanzania – The second year of classes is set to begin again at the Wartburg Lutheran Seminary of the CLC-Tanzania in late January. There are six students enrolled and the CLC Project Kinship has arranged sponsorship for each student. Pray that the Lord will bless these men and their families with everything needed as they spend their time preparing to be faithful preachers and teachers of God’s saving word. Pray also for the teachers and staff that the Lord will continue to give them the wisdom, strength, and guidance needed for the work they have been given.

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