Friday, November 2, 2018

Children of Togo...

When visiting our sister church bodies around the world I have the privilege of getting to know some of the children that receive support through the CLC Project Kinship. I can't share personal information about the children but I can share a few pictures and stories to give you a better idea of the challenges they face and how we are given the privilege and opportunity to help. 

Deborah singing with the children while waiting for more to arrive
The MELC has been assisting the children in the area of Lome where the church is located since it first began. Through the families they have met through door-to-door evangelism efforts they became aware of several children in this impoverished part of the city who didn't know about their Savior, were not attending school, and were not receiving proper nutrition. So a woman in the congregation began inviting them to church one afternoon each week for a Bible lesson. When the CLC Board of Missions and Project Kinship became aware of this opportunity in March of 2016, annual funding was soon approved to begin assisting these "Children In Need" with school fees, note books, Bible Lessons, and weekly nutrition. Between 35-40 children come to the church on Sunday mornings for Sunday School and Worship and again one day during the week for a Bible lesson and nutrition. This effort is supported through general offerings to Project Kinship.

Deborah and some of the children at the MELC in Lome, Togo
Project Kinship has also found monthly sponsors for seven children who have lost one or both of their parents. These children live with the families of the MELC pastors. One of the young boys I met was abandoned by his parents and was discovered when they were doing door-to-door evangelism. With all of the sin in this world, it's hard to think about about what might have become of him if he had not been taken in by Pastor Kossi and his family. A little girl who doesn't know her father and and her mother is too sick with aids to work or take care of her is also living with Pastor Kossi's family. Please pray for these children and for Pastor Kossi's wife who has chosen to love and care for these children in addition to the seven children they have on their own.

Mission Evangelique Lutherienne de Confession du Togo where the children meet each week forSunday School, Bible Lessons, and weekly nutrition

The woman you see in the pictures has been a member of the MELC congregation since the beginning. She is the one who took it upon herself to begin loving and caring for these children in the areas around the church. She has a family of four children of her own and she runs a small business where she buys and sells items for the home. She doesn't receive any pay and many weeks she is on her own to serve and teach the 35-40 children who show up for the Bible lesson and nutrition. She also took it upon herself to attend classes for several years with Pastor Kossi and the Bible Institute students who were preparing to be ordained as pastors so she would be better equipped to teach these children the truths of God's saving word. Her name is Deborah...keep her and the children she cares so much about in your prayers!

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