Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sent to Pakistan - OCT 2024

This trip to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been a long time in the making. Pastor Tim Daub came into contact with a group of believers and began sharing God's word with them via online video meetings a few years ago. During the past 3+ years, he has conducted weekly online classes with the group, taking them through Luther's Small Catechism and other more in-depth studies of God's word. Several months ago, the group decided to form a congregation and begin meeting for worship every Sunday. They choose to call themselves the CLC Pakistan. They are led by Pastor G. (full name withheld for security reasons). A second group of believers also began meeting with Pastor Daub for online classes. The congregation currently has around forty members, and the second group numbers around ten. These are the folks we are going to meet.

It is a remarkable blessing that the Lord allows our little synod to be involved in spreading the Gospel in Pakistan since Islam is enshrined in the constitution as the official religion of Pakistan and is practiced by over 96% of the population. While their constitution provides the right for all citizens to profess, practice, and propagate their own religion, the constitution also states that all laws are to conform to the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran. The Pakistan Constitution also limits political rights to non-Muslims and states that only Muslims are allowed to become President, Prime Minister, or to serve as Federal Judges. Christianity in Pakistan makes up about 1.37% of the population. Hinduism is the second largest religion in Pakistan but only represents about 2.14% of the population. While there is freedom of religion in Pakistan, Christians and other minority religions still face many challenges and persecution. The organization Open Doors lists Pakistan near the top of their annual watch list of the fifty nations where Christians face the most extreme persecution.  Pakistan has the fourth largest Hindu population in the world after India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Obviously, there is much work to be done in this part of the world! Praise the Lord for the privilege of being laborers in His harvest!

About two years ago, the CLC Board of Missions authorized funding for an initial face-to-face visit. That visit has been postponed for several reasons, including recent elections. We are thankful that the Lord has finally cleared the way and provided this opportunity to make the visit.

Pastor Daub and I are scheduled to depart on Tuesday, October 15th. I'll fly out of St. Louis, and Pastor Daub will fly out of Minneapolis/St. Paul. We'll meet up in Newark, NJ. From there, we will fly together to Faisalabad via Dubai. The flights and layovers total around 35 hrs of travel. We'll arrive in the early morning hours on Thursday the 17th. Our time in Faisalabad will be spent discussing the Scriptures with Pastor G. and conducting Bible Studies in the evenings with the members of the congregation. They are excited to learn more about the Mission activities of the CLC around the world. We'll also have the opportunity to be with the congregation as they gather for worship on Sunday. 

Thank and Praise the Lord for the technology that has made this opportunity possible. Ask Him for His blessings on the meetings, discussions, and study that will take place over the next several days as we share the truths of His saving word with these precious blood-bought souls. Ask Him to bless our travels, keep us safe, and grant us the love, patience, joy, wisdom, humility, and all that is necessary to accomplish the word work He sends us to do in Pakistan. And ask for His blessings and protection of our families while we are away. 


Anonymous said...

We will be praying for God's protection on your journey, and that He will bless your efforts to spread the Good News! May He also be with your families while you are away. To God be the glory!

God’s Children said...

My prayer each night is for the unsaved souls to receive the Good News.
They're working. ✝️
My prayers are working.

Anonymous said...

Long live Lutheran Missionaries