Monday, June 24, 2024

Himalayan Bible Institute Pastor Training - JUN 2024

The Himalayan Bible Institute (HBI) conducted classes for fifteen pastors, pastors-in-training, and church leaders during the third week of June. All the students are from congregations and preaching stations affiliated with the Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession of Nepal (HCLCN). This new cohort of students began their training program in May and will continue to meet for one week each month until they have completed all their coursework.

Please keep Pastor Raju, his father Pastor JB, the HCLCN, the students, and all those they serve in your prayers as they spend this very important and essential time preparing to be faithful preachers and teachers of God's saving word!

Students on lunch break

HBI Classroom

HBI student presentation

Pastor JB leading the students in prayer

HBI students and teachers

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