Monday, June 24, 2024

Himalayan Bible Institute Pastor Training - JUN 2024

The Himalayan Bible Institute (HBI) conducted classes for fifteen pastors, pastors-in-training, and church leaders during the third week of June. All the students are from congregations and preaching stations affiliated with the Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession of Nepal (HCLCN). This new cohort of students began their training program in May and will continue to meet for one week each month until they have completed all their coursework.

Please keep Pastor Raju, his father Pastor JB, the HCLCN, the students, and all those they serve in your prayers as they spend this very important and essential time preparing to be faithful preachers and teachers of God's saving word!

Students on lunch break

HBI Classroom

HBI student presentation

Pastor JB leading the students in prayer

HBI students and teachers

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

News from Bangladesh...June 2024

The following report and pictures were recently received from the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission...

.... I am very happy to report to you about the Lord's Ministry of BLCM of Bangladesh. Again I have baptized nine (9 no.) dear brothers and sisters on June 4, 2024...Hallelujah Praise be to the Lord God Jesus Christ!!!

We have our eyes focused on the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we are proclaiming the Gospel. Bangladesh Lutheran church Mission-BLCM is continuing to proclaim the true gospel in Bangladesh. I would request you to pray for newborn Christian brothers and sisters, so that they might be matured day by day spiritually through the word of God. Our Lord God Jesus says us:-

“Therefore go and make disciples all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

Praise and thank our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ that He has been using the BLCM for His glorifying and extending His Kingdom in Bangladesh. BLCM's goal is to save the souls to receive salvation through Jesus by faith as God's gift. For this reason this is the most important to collect the harvest in the God’s Kingdom.  I am very proud in the Lord that the Holy Spirit has changed some people into Christ for their new life/newborn. Praise to the Lord that these souls were saved by the baptism they had received to Jesus Christ as their Lord and God. The nine brothers and sisters have been baptized and converted into Christianity from Hinduism religion and one family has come from Muslim religion. They received the gift of salvation that comes only by water and the Word of God through Holy Baptism. I was conducted the Baptism program on June 4, 2024 at Livingstone Lutheran church (BLCM) in the Bagerhat district. And we are preparing more people for Baptism there. 

Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission-BLCM

Gopalgonj, Bangladesh

(shared with permission and edited for clarity and to remove personal names for security reasons) 


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pray for the People of Myanmar and the Sheep of our Savior's CLC-Myanmar Flock...

From Pastor Kham...

Thank you for your prayers.... We are blessed and thankful for your helping hand. Please continue to pray for us. We need peace, justice, and survival. 

There was a big battle of civil war in Chin State on 12-19 May 2024. Cikha Town, Tonzang township and several villages and also on 20-30 May 2024 till today the civil war continues in Tedim City and burned 38 houses. The civilians innocent people are leave and lost the house, just flee from the house nothing to carrying while the gunfire began and they could not look back at their property. Those who are affected victims of our CLCM membership we collected the names and investigate the situation how we can help better as much as we can. It is our hardest time to survive human life and sometimes there is no telephone communication and internet connection available at all. The military junta has control of all such conditions. Praise the Lord! I could write and respond to your email within strict conditions.

Please continue to pray for the people of Myanmar and especially the sheep of our Savior's CLCM flock!

News Articles:

Before and after pictures of war torn Tedim city in Chin State where many CLCM congregations are located.