Friday, June 18, 2021

CLC World Missions Prayer List – June 2021

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you... 2 Thessalonians 3:1

India – Pastor Jyothi B. in India, who was hospitalized in the ICU for several days while he was treated for a rather severe case of Covid, has been discharged. He is currently staying with relatives in a larger city near the hospital. He was unconscious and near death when he was first taken to the hospital. He is still dealing with complications and is being treated with medications and injections to prevent blood clotting. Because of these treatments, his blood is very thin, and has been admitted to the hospital a couple of times for severe nose bleeds. The CLC Board of Missions and Kinship Committee have approved emergency funding to assist with medical bills and to provide covid relief aid. Continue to Pray for complete healing along with God’s strength, comfort, and courage for Jyothi, his family, and the many souls that he serves. Ask the Lord to bless the aid that was sent.
India – Pastor D. Paul recently reported that eight pastors and two pastor’s wives have died of Covid over the past few weeks. The believers he and other pastors serve are suffering under the strict restrictions that are in place to slow the surge of infections.  The CLC Board of Missions and Kinship Committee have approved emergency funding to provide covid relief aid. Pray for the Lord’s comfort for the families and congregations who have lost their loved ones and pastors. Ask the Lord to bless and multiply the aid that is being sent to assist as many as possible.
Nepal – Our brothers and sisters in Nepal have been struggling under the strict Covid lockdowns. In addition to the struggle for daily necessities, the monsoon season has come early this year bringing heavy rains, landslides, and destruction to many parts of northern Nepal. The CLC Board of Missions and Kinship Committee have approved emergency funding to provide covid relief aid.  Pray that the Lord will continue to keep the sheep of His Nepali flock safe during this pandemic crisis
Myanmar – Many in this country continue to struggle through the uncertainty and despair of the February military coup. Many are living in fear of daily conflicts and violence. Daily food and necessities are scarce and banks and most businesses remain closed. The CLC has been unable to send financial resources, Kinship sponsorships for the children, and Covid relief aid. Pray that the Lord will keep and protect and provide for the sheep of His Myanmar flock, especially our brothers and sisters in Yangon, Kalaymyo, and Chin State. Pray that the truth of God’s word will have free course to strengthen and encourage the faith of His children and that many more will be brought to faith and find hope in Jesus during these uncertain times and always.
Nigeria – Outreach efforts among independent pastors in Bayelsa State continue. The seminary now has six students and has begun repairing and building desks along with other improvements to the seminary facility.  Pray for the students and faculty, that the Lord will provide all that is necessary for their training. Ask the Lord to continue to bless the outreach work in Bayelsa.
Bangladesh – Pastor M. has been busy working on translating Luther’s Small Catechism into Bengali. Much of this work has been completed and he is doing the final review before printing. Pastor M. recently requested our prayers for a man who was converted to Christianity from Hinduism. This man has been assaulted, persecuted, and falsely accused of crimes by his family, and was arrested in an effort to force him to return to Hinduism. Pray that the Lord will bless the printing and distribution of the Catechisms as a tool to train more believers in the saving truths of Scripture. Ask the Lord to protect and defend His new disciple and to give him the necessary strength and courage to persevere under persecution.
Liberia – Pastor Joseph K. was recently involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. The car he was traveling in was hit by a bus and there was severe damage to both vehicles. Pastor Joseph went to the hospital and was discharged with only minor injuries. Praise the Lord for protecting His servant through this ordeal.
Togo, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, D.R. Congo, Uganda, and Mexico – please continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who are struggling to stay healthy, provide for their families and the ministry as they proclaim the Gospel…trusting the promise of our Savior that His word will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sent it.
New and Ongoing Opportunities – The Lord continues to provide opportunities to proclaim the truths of His saving word in different areas of the world in places such as South Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen, Egypt, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Philippines, Russia, and Italy. Thank the Lord for the privilege of teaching His word to others! And Pray for these individuals as they seek to grow in their understanding of God’s word to be better equipped to spread the Gospel in the places they live.
Missionary Evensen – was able to get his passport and Togo Stay Card renewed in time for his planned departure. After spending two years in Togo, he has arrived safely in the U.S. for a furlough. Thank the Lord for safe travels and ask for His blessing on Peter’s time in the States.

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