Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sent to Pakistan - OCT 2024

This trip to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been a long time in the making. Pastor Tim Daub came into contact with a group of believers and began sharing God's word with them via online video meetings a few years ago. During the past 3+ years, he has conducted weekly online classes with the group, taking them through Luther's Small Catechism and other more in-depth studies of God's word. Several months ago, the group decided to form a congregation and begin meeting for worship every Sunday. They choose to call themselves the CLC Pakistan. They are led by Pastor G. (full name withheld for security reasons). A second group of believers also began meeting with Pastor Daub for online classes. The congregation currently has around forty members, and the second group numbers around ten. These are the folks we are going to meet.

It is a remarkable blessing that the Lord allows our little synod to be involved in spreading the Gospel in Pakistan since Islam is enshrined in the constitution as the official religion of Pakistan and is practiced by over 96% of the population. While their constitution provides the right for all citizens to profess, practice, and propagate their own religion, the constitution also states that all laws are to conform to the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran. The Pakistan Constitution also limits political rights to non-Muslims and states that only Muslims are allowed to become President, Prime Minister, or to serve as Federal Judges. Christianity in Pakistan makes up about 1.37% of the population. Hinduism is the second largest religion in Pakistan but only represents about 2.14% of the population. While there is freedom of religion in Pakistan, Christians and other minority religions still face many challenges and persecution. The organization Open Doors lists Pakistan near the top of their annual watch list of the fifty nations where Christians face the most extreme persecution.  Pakistan has the fourth largest Hindu population in the world after India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Obviously, there is much work to be done in this part of the world! Praise the Lord for the privilege of being laborers in His harvest!

About two years ago, the CLC Board of Missions authorized funding for an initial face-to-face visit. That visit has been postponed for several reasons, including recent elections. We are thankful that the Lord has finally cleared the way and provided this opportunity to make the visit.

Pastor Daub and I are scheduled to depart on Tuesday, October 15th. I'll fly out of St. Louis, and Pastor Daub will fly out of Minneapolis/St. Paul. We'll meet up in Newark, NJ. From there, we will fly together to Faisalabad via Dubai. The flights and layovers total around 35 hrs of travel. We'll arrive in the early morning hours on Thursday the 17th. Our time in Faisalabad will be spent discussing the Scriptures with Pastor G. and conducting Bible Studies in the evenings with the members of the congregation. They are excited to learn more about the Mission activities of the CLC around the world. We'll also have the opportunity to be with the congregation as they gather for worship on Sunday. 

Thank and Praise the Lord for the technology that has made this opportunity possible. Ask Him for His blessings on the meetings, discussions, and study that will take place over the next several days as we share the truths of His saving word with these precious blood-bought souls. Ask Him to bless our travels, keep us safe, and grant us the love, patience, joy, wisdom, humility, and all that is necessary to accomplish the word work He sends us to do in Pakistan. And ask for His blessings and protection of our families while we are away. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

October 2024 - CLC World Missions Prayer List

Pakistan (South Asia) – Pastor Tim Daub and Missionary Ohlmann will depart for Faisalabad, Pakistan, on Tuesday, October 15th. This will be the first face-to-face meeting with Pastor G. and the group of believers that Pastor Daub has been instructing through online classes for the past few years. Please pray for the Lord's blessings on their travels and meetings as they discuss and proclaim the truths of God's saving Word. Give thanks to our Savior for granting this opportunity and the technology to spread the truth of His Word in such a manner.

Liberia (West Africa) – Pastor Kwiwalazu is still engaged in doctrinal discussions with a group of independent pastors who have separated from the Methodist Church of Liberia. CLC Board of Missions Chairman Joel Krafft and Missionary Ohlmann are scheduled to visit in November. Pray for God's blessings and provision for the work of spreading the Gospel in Liberia and for the developing opportunities among the independent pastors and in Guinea. Pray for the Lord's blessings on visitation preparations. Ask the Lord to bless the cancer treatments that John Hein is receiving so he can resume his work in Liberia.

India (South Asia) – A joint India Pastoral Conference was held August 20-22 in Chennai, India. Pastors, leaders, and delegates from the CLC-India and the BELC will be in attendance. The CLC also had one Pastor in attendance to represent the CLC. Thank the Lord for this opportunity for Christian fellowship and study of His saving Word. Thank the Lord for His blessings that our CLC representative was able to attend and had no issues with the Hindu nationalist government while he was there.

Bangladesh (South Asia) – Pastor Monotosh reports that the interim government that was established after violent protests and the resignation of the prime minister has restored peace to the nation. There are still protests going on as a new government is established but they have remained peaceful. Prep work continues for the building project. The Board of Missions has approved an MDF grant to assist with the construction of a multipurpose building that will serve the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission (BLCM) as a Bible Institute to train faithful church workers, a place for worship, and housing for teachers and students. Thank the Lord for His protection of His children during the recent violence and change in government. Ask the Lord to bless this nation with good government so that they can live in peace and continue to spread the Good News of Jesus. Pray also for the building project and that the Lord would move the hearts of His people to give generously for this important work.

Nigeria (West Africa) – The NCLC has been hoping and planning for the construction of a multipurpose building for the seminary for more than twenty-five years. They recently met their fundraising goal for the project and have received approval of the building plans by the local government. They plan to begin working on the foundation by mid-October and hope to have the project completed by March. The CLC Board of Missions has approved an MDF grant to assist with construction costs. The building will have two large classrooms, a library/computer room, and an office for the faculty. For the past several years, they have been using two small dormitory rooms as classrooms. With an increase in enrollment and in anticipation of an even larger enrolment next year, this building is much needed. Ask the Lord to bless this project and to provide necessary funding through the offerings of NCLC members and MDF offerings of CLC members. Thank the Lord for the privilege of working together in this effort to train faithful workers in His Nigerian harvest of souls!

Tanzania (East Africa) – Classes have resumed at the Wittenberg Lutheran Theological Seminary after a three-week break. Eight students are enrolled. Four students are scheduled to graduate at the end of November. Thank the Lord for safe travels and productive visits. Praise God for the privilege of partnering with the TZCLC in training men to be faithful preachers and teachers of God's saving Word. Ask for God's continued blessing, guidance, and provision for Wittenberg Seminary and the work of the TZCLC. 

Nepal (South Asia) – Nepal has been hit by unusually heavy rains that have caused flooding and landslides. Many lives have been lost, and several villages have been destroyed. Damage to the roads makes it dangerous to travel and almost impossible to reach many who are affected, including some HCLCN families living in the foothills of the Himalaya. Missionary Ohlmann is scheduled to visit Nepal in December. While in Nepal, he will have the opportunity to teach the fifteen students who attend the Himalayan Lutheran Bible Institute (HLBI). He will also attend and teach at a regional HCLCN pastoral conference following the week of classes at the HLBI. Ask our Savior to keep the sheep of His HCLCN flock safe during these dangerous days and to grant safe travels for the pastors and leaders who attempt to visit and evangelize in dangerous places. Praise the Lord for the fifteen men who have dedicated their time and lives to training for the Gospel ministry. Ask for the Lord's blessings on the upcoming visit and for all the preparations that need to take place.

Myanmar (South Asia) – It's been over three years since the military overthrew Myanmar's democratically elected government, plunging the nation into a devastating civil war. Countless individuals continue to suffer, including farmers who can't grow crops, leading to food shortages and soaring prices. Many members of the CLCM have been forced to flee their homes, seeking safety for their families. To help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, the CLC Board of Missions has approved Kinship funding for one year. This funding will provide vital humanitarian aid, ensuring access to essentials like food, shelter, and medical care for displaced CLCM members. Please continue to keep our brothers and sisters in Christ in your thoughts and prayers, asking for peace, justice, and relief for all affected by this conflict.

Togo (West Africa) – During Missionary Evensen's absence due to health problems, classes have continued at the Mt. Horeb Lutheran Seminary using the curriculum written by Prof. David Lau and translated by Missionary Evensen. Three students are scheduled to graduate in March. Between now and their graduation/ordination, they will be working to establish preaching stations and congregations to serve once they are finished with their formal training. Pray that our Savior will continue to bless the students as they finish their studies over the next several months. Ask the Lord to guide them as they work to establish new preaching stations where they will proclaim the Good News of sins forgiven in Jesus' saving name!

Kenya (East Africa) – Missionary Naumann was able to visit the pastors and leaders of the Kenya-CLC to discuss the necessary organizational work that will allow the KCLC to more effectively serve the souls of the congregations and to reach out to others with the Good News of Jesus. Pray for the pastors and leaders of the KCLC as they work on church registration issues and continue to serve the Lord.

Uganda (East Africa) – Missionary Naumann spent a few days in Uganda visiting two different groups. One group was accepted into fellowship with the CLC at our June convention. The other group is made of several pastors who withdrew from another Lutheran fellowship and formed a new confessional Lutheran church body. This second group has been in correspondence with Missionary Naumann for the past several months and is beginning the colloquy process. Thank the Lord for granting safe travels for Missionary Naumann and for blessing His Word as it was proclaimed and taught.

The Philippines (Southeast Asia) – Pastor Palangyos has started outreach efforts among the large youth population in Baguio City where he and his family live. There are several colleges and a university in Baguio with Filipino youth coming from several different rural areas to study. His wife Amabel holds a PhD in language and is a professor at the university, which provides an "in" to this Filipino demographic. Outreach also continues in the two rural congregations that Pastor Palangyos serves in the mountains that surround the city. Pray for our Savior's blessings on the outreach efforts of the Lutheran Autonomous Mission in the Philippines (LAMP), both in rural and urban areas.

Missionary Peter Evensen (Togo, West Africa) – Missionary Evensen continues to recover from knee surgery in Spokane, WA. Pray that the specialists there will be able to find the cause and a suitable treatment for the swelling in his right knee and foot so that he can return to work in Togo, West Africa.

Missionary Bruce Naumann (Tanzania-East Africa) – Missionary Naumann used the three-week Tanzania seminary break to make visits to Uganda, Kenya, and parts of Tanzania that he has not yet had the opportunity to visit. You can read his report HERE. Paula was able to return to the U.S. to spend time with family while Missionary Naumann was visiting Uganda, Kenya, and TCLC districts. Praise the Lord for all that is being accomplished by Missionary Naumann, and thank our Savior for granting safe travels for both Bruce and Paula.

Missionary Todd Ohlmann – Missionary Ohlmann, along with Board of Missions member Jeff Radichel, recently visited Pastor Olvera and our sister congregation in Juarez, Mexico. During the last few months of 2024 he will visit Pakistan, Liberia, and Nepal and will help out with CLC vacancy preaching as able. Ask the Lord to bless and provide for all the necessary preparations for these trips to take place. Please continue to pray for his wife, Beth, as she cares for her elderly father, who longs for his heavenly home. You can read reports and see pictures here: missionaryohlmann.blogspot.com

Ongoing OpportunitiesPlease continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who, by God's grace, are dedicated to proclaiming the truths of God's saving Word for the salvation of souls as they trust the promise of our Savior that His Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sent it.

That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. Psalm 67:2

Thursday, August 8, 2024

CLC World Missions Prayer List – August 2024

…pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified...

 2 Thessalonians 3:1

India (South Asia) – A joint India Pastoral Conference is scheduled for August 20-22 in Chennai, India. Pastors, leaders, and delegates from the CLC-India and the BELC will be in attendance. The CLC will also have one Pastor in attendance to represent the CLC. Thank the Lord for this opportunity for Christian fellowship and study of His saving Word. Pray that the Lord would bless all the travel and protect everyone in attendance. Pray especially for the CLC representative that he will have no trouble entering India.

Mexico – Board of Missions member Jeff Radichel and Missionary Ohlmann will visit Juarez August 23 to 26 to meet with Pastor Olvera to discuss Gospel outreach efforts in Mexico. They will also meet with three independent pastors who are interested in joining the CLC-affiliated church body in Mexico. These men have been studying Lutheran doctrine with Pastor Olvera for the past few months. Pray for safe travels and a productive, God-pleasing visit.

Pakistan – Pastor Tim Daub and Missionary Ohlmann will be traveling to Faisalabad, Pakistan in October. This will be their first face-to-face meeting with the group of believers that Pastor Daub has been instructing through online classes for the past few years. Please pray for the Lord's continued blessings on all the preparations that need to take place over the next couple of months to make this visit possible. Also, ask the Lord to continue to bless the teaching and learning of His word and give thanks to our Savior for granting us this opportunity and the technology to spread the truth of His word in such a manner.

Bangladesh (South Asia) – Pastor Monotosh, his family, and our brothers and sisters in Christ have been sheltering in their homes as Bangladesh has been embroiled in violent protests over economic policies and other issues. Nearly 100 people have been killed. The prime minister recently resigned and left the country. Pastor Monotosh reports that Muslim jihadists have taken advantage of the unrest to persecute minority Christians and Hindus through beatings and destruction of church buildings and temples. The government has shut down internet access to disrupt communication among the protestors. Pastor Monotosh has found a way for limited email access through a VPN. Missionary Ohlmann will continue to correspond with Pastor Monotosh for online theological classes and to discuss and assess the situation to make plans for a visit when advisable. Ask for the Lord’s protection of His children and give them confidence and boldness in the love of our Savior. Pray that our Savior will bring peace and justice to Bangladesh.

Myanmar (South Asia) – It's been over three years since the military overthrew Myanmar's democratically elected government, plunging the nation into a devastating civil war. Countless innocent people are suffering, including farmers who can't grow crops, leading to food shortages and soaring prices. Many members of the CLCM have been forced to flee their homes, seeking safety for their families. To help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, the CLC Board of Missions has approved Kinship funding for one year. This funding will provide vital humanitarian aid, ensuring access to essentials like food, shelter, and medical care for displaced CLCM members. Please continue to keep our brothers and sisters in Christ in your thoughts and prayers, asking for peace, justice, and relief for all affected by this conflict.

Liberia (West Africa) – Pastor Kwiwalazu is still engaged in doctrinal discussions with a group of independent pastors who have separated from the Methodist Church of Liberia. Pastor Joseph is making plans for a proposed CLC Board of Missions visit in November. Pray for God’s blessings and provision for the work of spreading the Gospel in Liberia and for the developing opportunities in Guinea. Ask the Lord to bless the cancer treatments that John Hein is receiving so he can resume his work in Liberia.

Tanzania (East Africa) – Classes have resumed at the Wittenberg Lutheran Theological Seminary, with eight students enrolled. Missionary Naumann reports that the main focus of these next few months will be on the four students who are scheduled to graduate at the end of November. Thank the Lord for the privilege of partnering with the TZCLC in training men to be faithful preachers and teachers of God’s saving word. Ask for God’s continued blessing, guidance, and provision for Wittenberg Seminary and the work of the TZCLC. 

Kenya/Uganda (East Africa) – Six CLC Mission Helpers spent two-and-half weeks spreading the Gospel among the two Kinship supports Kenyan schools, along with congregations and an orphanage in Uganda. The team was privileged with the opportunity to teach nearly 1300 children at twelve different schools, churches, and orphanages. Thank the Lord for this opportunity and pray that our Savior will bless all those children who heard the Good News with repentant and believing hearts.

Zambia (Central Africa) – After the visit by the CLC Mission Helpers in July, Pastor Ibrahim in Livingstone and Pastor Mwanza in Kitwe have been busy following up with several independent schools and preschools where nearly 1,800 children were taught the Good News of Jesus. They plan to offer teacher Bible training and provide weekly Bible studies for the children. They are excited about these new opportunities. Much progress has been made on the church registration process and is nearing completion. This is important for the work of the church and for Pastor Ibrahim’s immigration status. Pray for our Savior’s blessings on the new opportunities to reach out with the Gospel and the ongoing efforts to register the Zambia-CLC.

The Philippines (Southeast Asia) – Pastor Palangyos has started outreach efforts among the large youth population in Baguio City where he and his family live. There are several colleges and a university in Baguio with Filipino youth coming from several different rural areas to study. His wife Amabel holds a PhD in language and is a professor at the university, which provides an “in” to this Filipino demographic. Outreach also continues in the two rural congregations that Pastor Palangyos serves in the mountains that surround the city. Pray for our Savior’s blessings on the outreach efforts of the Lutheran Autonomous Mission in the Philippines (LAMP), both in rural and urban areas.

Nepal (South Asia) – Thirteen students continue to attend theology classes for one week each month at the Himalayan Lutheran Bible Institute in the Chitwan district. The new Kinship-supported Cheli project has started efforts to assist at-risk girls in rural communities, helping them to receive education and life skills along with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Missionary Ohlmann is planning a visit to Nepal in December. Praise the Lord for the thirteen men who have dedicated their time and lives to training for the Gospel ministry. Thank the Lord and ask His blessings on the efforts to assist at-risk girls through the Cheli project.

Nigeria (West Africa) – The NCLC has been hoping and planning for the construction of a multipurpose building for the seminary for more than twenty-five years. The proposed building will have two large classrooms, a library/computer room, and an office for the faculty. For the past several years, they have been using two small dormitory rooms as classrooms. With an increase in enrollment and in anticipation of an even larger enrolment next year, this building is much needed. They are currently raising the necessary funds to begin construction in September so that the facility can be ready for use by the start of the new school year in January 2025. The CLC Board of Missions has approved an MDF grant to assist with construction costs. Ask the Lord to bless this project and to provide necessary funding through the offerings of NCLC members and MDF offerings of CLC members. Thank the Lord for the privilege of working together in this effort to train faithful workers in His Nigerian harvest of souls!

Missionary Peter Evensen (Togo, West Africa) – Missionary Evensen is currently undergoing rehabilitation and recovery in Spokane, WA, after undergoing knee surgery in late June. Additionally, he experienced some heart irregularities during his hospital stay. His return to Togo is postponed until he regains his health and is fit for travel. Pray for a swift and full recovery for his knee, and for his medical team to have wisdom as they assess and determine the best course of treatment for his heart issues.

Missionary Bruce Naumann (Tanzania-East Africa) – After a short furlough in the U.S., Missionary Bruce and Paula Naumann returned to Tanzania in early July. They had the privilege and joy of hosting the CLC Mission Helper Team shortly after their return. They are now back to their normal routine at the seminary, outreach visits, and weekly Sunday School. Thank the Lord for their safe and uneventful travels back to Tanzania, and ask for the Lord's continued blessing on their work among our brothers and sisters in Christ of the TCLC. You can follow Missionary Naumann’s blog at clc-tz.blogspot.com.

Missionary Todd Ohlmann – Missionary Ohlmann recently returned home from leading the CLC Missions Helper Team to Zambia. Thank the Lord for safe travels and a productive trip. His upcoming schedule includes visits to Mexico, Pakistan, Liberia, and Nepal, as well as a few guest preaching opportunities in CLC congregations. Ask the Lord to bless and provide for all the preparations that need to take place for these trips to take place. Please continue to pray for his wife Beth as she cares for her elderly father, who longs for his heavenly home, and for her mother, who was recently diagnosed with a rare and incurable form of blood cancer. You can read reports and see pictures here: missionaryohlmann.blogspot.com

Ongoing OpportunitiesPlease continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who, by God's grace, are dedicated to proclaiming the truths of God's saving word for the salvation of souls as they trust the promise of our Savior that His Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sent it.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Himalayan Bible Institute Pastor Training - JUN 2024

The Himalayan Bible Institute (HBI) conducted classes for fifteen pastors, pastors-in-training, and church leaders during the third week of June. All the students are from congregations and preaching stations affiliated with the Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession of Nepal (HCLCN). This new cohort of students began their training program in May and will continue to meet for one week each month until they have completed all their coursework.

Please keep Pastor Raju, his father Pastor JB, the HCLCN, the students, and all those they serve in your prayers as they spend this very important and essential time preparing to be faithful preachers and teachers of God's saving word!

Students on lunch break

HBI Classroom

HBI student presentation

Pastor JB leading the students in prayer

HBI students and teachers

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

News from Bangladesh...June 2024

The following report and pictures were recently received from the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission...

.... I am very happy to report to you about the Lord's Ministry of BLCM of Bangladesh. Again I have baptized nine (9 no.) dear brothers and sisters on June 4, 2024...Hallelujah Praise be to the Lord God Jesus Christ!!!

We have our eyes focused on the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we are proclaiming the Gospel. Bangladesh Lutheran church Mission-BLCM is continuing to proclaim the true gospel in Bangladesh. I would request you to pray for newborn Christian brothers and sisters, so that they might be matured day by day spiritually through the word of God. Our Lord God Jesus says us:-

“Therefore go and make disciples all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

Praise and thank our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ that He has been using the BLCM for His glorifying and extending His Kingdom in Bangladesh. BLCM's goal is to save the souls to receive salvation through Jesus by faith as God's gift. For this reason this is the most important to collect the harvest in the God’s Kingdom.  I am very proud in the Lord that the Holy Spirit has changed some people into Christ for their new life/newborn. Praise to the Lord that these souls were saved by the baptism they had received to Jesus Christ as their Lord and God. The nine brothers and sisters have been baptized and converted into Christianity from Hinduism religion and one family has come from Muslim religion. They received the gift of salvation that comes only by water and the Word of God through Holy Baptism. I was conducted the Baptism program on June 4, 2024 at Livingstone Lutheran church (BLCM) in the Bagerhat district. And we are preparing more people for Baptism there. 

Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission-BLCM

Gopalgonj, Bangladesh

(shared with permission and edited for clarity and to remove personal names for security reasons) 


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pray for the People of Myanmar and the Sheep of our Savior's CLC-Myanmar Flock...

From Pastor Kham...

Thank you for your prayers.... We are blessed and thankful for your helping hand. Please continue to pray for us. We need peace, justice, and survival. 

There was a big battle of civil war in Chin State on 12-19 May 2024. Cikha Town, Tonzang township and several villages and also on 20-30 May 2024 till today the civil war continues in Tedim City and burned 38 houses. The civilians innocent people are leave and lost the house, just flee from the house nothing to carrying while the gunfire began and they could not look back at their property. Those who are affected victims of our CLCM membership we collected the names and investigate the situation how we can help better as much as we can. It is our hardest time to survive human life and sometimes there is no telephone communication and internet connection available at all. The military junta has control of all such conditions. Praise the Lord! I could write and respond to your email within strict conditions.

Please continue to pray for the people of Myanmar and especially the sheep of our Savior's CLCM flock!

News Articles:

Before and after pictures of war torn Tedim city in Chin State where many CLCM congregations are located.