...pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified... 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Myanmar (South Asia) – On December 28th, the military forcibly
entered the CLC-Myanmar orphanage home, where the Kinship orphans live with
Pastor Kham and his wife. They took one of the orphans, a fifteen-year-old boy,
to be conscripted into the army. That day, more than 100 young boys were taken
from the region. The military agreed to release any boy whose family could pay
a hefty bribe. Money was quickly borrowed to pay the bribe, and the orphan was
released before he could be sent away to an unknown location, potentially never
to be seen again. The CLC Board of Missions has approved a grant from Kinship
to repay the loan, helping to alleviate further hardships for Pastor Kham and
his family. The harsh military rule and civil war have been ongoing for nearly
four years since the military coup in February 2021. Our
brothers and sisters of the CLC-M have suffered greatly and live in constant
fear as much of the fiercest war has been fought in the region where they are
located. Thank the Lord for the safe return of the boy and for providing the
resources to assist our brothers and sisters during these difficult times.
Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers, asking for peace,
justice, good government, and relief for all who are affected by this conflict.
Bangladesh (South Asia) – The CLC will sponsor a four-day
pastoral training seminar in Gopalganj for the pastors and leaders of the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission (BLCM) in mid-January.
Missionary Ohlmann and Pastor Monotosh will lead the studies. More than fifty
pastors and church leaders are expected to attend. Plans for the BLCM building
project have received government approval, and the necessary permits are ready
to be issued. The contractor is prepared to begin construction as soon as
funding becomes available. The Board of Missions has approved an MDF grant to
support the construction of this multipurpose building, which will serve the BLCM
as a Bible Institute for training faithful church workers, a place for worship,
and housing for teachers and students. In mid-January, Missionary Ohlmann will spend
two weeks in Bangladesh teaching at the seminar and visiting several
congregations and preaching stations of the BLCM for outreach. Ask the Lord to
bless the pastoral training seminar and Gospel outreach. Continue to pray for the building project and
that the Lord would move the hearts of His people to give generously for this
important work.
Philippines (Southeast Asia) – Pastor
Palangyos had several new opportunities to preach the Good News as part of the Lutheran
Autonomous Mission in the Philippines (LAMP) December outreach program. The Christmas
outreach was conducted both in rural and urban areas. Missionary Ohlmann will
spend ten days in the Philippines working with Pastor Palangyos and the LAMP in
late January and early February. Plans include visiting an independent Lutheran
congregation with no pastor in a mountain village. Ask the Lord to strengthen
the faith of His children of the LAMP and to fill them with zeal to spread the
Gospel. And ask for our Savior to bless the outreach efforts of the LAMP so
that many more may join us in repenting of our sins and rejoicing in our
forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
(South Asia) – Southern India, where
the CLCI and BELC are located, has recently experienced historically heavy
rainfall in late December, leading to significant flooding and damage to church
buildings and homes of many members. The CLC has faced difficulties in sending
funds to India due to restrictions imposed by the pro-Hindu/anti-Christian
government on charitable contributions from abroad. No funds can be sent until
a solution is found. Pray that the Lord will protect, support, and strengthen
the faith of His children in India during the challenges brought about by the
recent floods, and ask Him to provide a way for the CLC to continue supporting
the ongoing training of faithful pastors and church leaders.
(East Africa) – Four students, Elinaja, Jasper, Raphael, and
Marko, graduated from the seminary at the end
of November. Four students will return to the seminary when the new school year
begins on January 20th. The seminary also expects an additional 3 or 4 new
students. A pastoral conference is scheduled for Jan. 13-15 in Arusha. Missionary
Naumann and Paula are scheduled to return to Tanzania on January 9th.
Praise God for the privilege of partnering with the TZCLC in training men to be
faithful preachers and teachers of God's saving Word. Ask for God's continued
blessing, guidance, and provision for Wittenberg Seminary and the work of the
TZCLC. And ask the Lord to bless the upcoming pastoral conference.
(South Asia) – Missionary Ohlmann
visited Nepal in December. While in Nepal, he
taught the fifteen Kinship supported students enrolled in the Himalayan
Lutheran Bible Institute (HLBI). He and Raju also led studies at a regional
pastoral conference organized by the HCLCN, with more than fifty pastors,
students, and church leaders in attendance. Thank the Lord for blessing the
visit and granting safe travels for Missionary Ohlmann to and from the mission
field and for those who traveled many kilometers to attend the pastoral
training. Thank the Lord for the fifteen men who have dedicated their time and
lives to training for the Gospel ministry. Ask for the Lord's continued
blessings of the Gospel outreach and ongoing ministry of the HCLC in Nepal.
(South Asia) – Pastor G. and the
believers in Faisalabad continue to participate in weekly online video classes
with Pastor Daub and conduct weekly worship services on the roof of Pastor G’s
home. The congregation has grown and they need a larger space to meet. Praise and
thank the Lord for the growth of this faithful and confessional Lutheran congregation.
Ask the Lord to continue to bless these believers in Faisalabad as they grow in
their faith and understanding of God’s saving word.
Liberia (West Africa) – CLC Board of Missions Chairman Joel
Krafft and Missionary Ohlmann had the privilege of visiting Liberia in mid-November. While
their travels were delayed due to airline issues, delays, and missed
connections, and they arrived a few days late, they were able to accomplish most
of the goals for their visit. They attended and presented God’s word at a
four-day pastoral conference and had the opportunity to meet with several
independent pastors who have been working with Pastor Joseph Kwiwalazu and
Pastor John Hein over the past couple of years. Thank the Lord for safe travels
and a productive visit to Liberia. Pray for God's blessings and provision for spreading
the Gospel in Liberia and the developing opportunities among the independent
pastors in Liberia and neighboring Guinea. Pray for the Lord's blessings on
visitation preparations. Ask the Lord to bless the cancer treatments that John
Hein is receiving so he can resume his work in Liberia.
(West Africa) – The NCLC has recently
met its fundraising goal for a building project they have been planning for
more than twenty-five years. Their plans have received approval from the local
government, and they began brick-making and foundation work in late October.
They hope to complete the project by March. The CLC Board of Missions has
approved an MDF grant to help with construction costs. The building will
include two large classrooms, a study room, a library/computer room, and an
office for faculty. With an increase in enrollment and expectations for even
larger enrollment next year, this new building is essential. Ask the Lord to
bless this project and to provide necessary funding through the offerings of
NCLC members and MDF offerings of CLC members. Thank the Lord for the privilege
of working together in this effort to train faithful workers in His Nigerian
harvest of souls!
Kenya (East Africa) – The CLC Kinship-supported schools will
soon begin a new school year. Pastor Jasper, who recently graduated from
Wittenberg Seminary in Tanzania, will begin daily devotions, Bible study, and Catechism
instruction with the students at the school in Moi’s Bridge. The Kenya-CLC is currently
facing leadership and organizational challenges at St. David’s Kinship School
in Etago. Please pray that the Lord grants the necessary wisdom, love,
patience, diligence, and clear direction as we seek His blessings for the
upcoming meetings, correspondence, and crucial decisions that the leaders of
the KCLC, CLC Kinship Committee, and CLC Board of Missions need to make.
Uganda (East Africa) – Missionary Naumann and Pastor Andrew
Schaller (representing the CLC Board of Doctrine), will visit Uganda in mid-February
to conduct the face-to-face colloquy with the leaders of the Confessional
Lutheran Synod of Uganda (CLSU). During their time in Uganda, they will also
provide pastoral training at a conference held by the Confessional Church of
the Reformation in Uganda (CCRU), with which the CLC is already in fellowship.
Please pray for safe and smooth travels for Pastor Schaller and Missionary
Naumann. Ask the Lord to bless the colloquy that it will reveal a unity of
faith and teaching so that we may work together in a God-pleasing way. Pray
also for God’s blessings on the CCRU conference.
Peter Evensen (Togo, West Africa) – Missionary
Evensen returned to Togo after several months in the U.S. following necessary
knee surgery and other medical problems. He has resumed his missionary duties
at Mt. Horeb Lutheran Seminary and in the local congregation in Lomé. Thank the
Lord for His protection and healing during Missionary Evensen’s health issues,
and pray that the Lord will bless the doctors and the care he is currently
receiving for inflammation in his left eye. Pray also for the evangelism work
that the three students are doing as they finish their final months of study so
that they may be able to establish congregations and preaching
stations to serve.
Bruce Naumann (Tanzania-East Africa) –
Missionary Naumann and Paula were blessed and thankful to spend a few weeks in
December and early January visiting family on furlough in the U.S. They returned
to Tanzania on January 9th. Following a TZCLC Pastoral Conference,
classes at the seminary will begin on January 20th. In mid-February,
Missionary Naumann and Paula will travel to Uganda. Pastor Andrew Schaller will
meet them there to conduct a colloquy with the Confessional Lutheran Synod of
Uganda. You can follow Missionary Naumann’s blog at https://clc-tz.blogspot.com/.
Praise the Lord for all that Missionary Naumann is accomplishing, thank the
Lord for the faithful support of His servant Paula, and ask our Savior to grant
wisdom, patience, love, and all that is necessary to continue our Savior’s work
in East Africa.
Todd Ohlmann – Missionary Ohlmann will
depart on January 14th for a one-month visit with our brothers and sisters in
Christ in Bangladesh and the Philippines. He also plans visits to Nigeria, DR
Congo, and Zambia in the coming months. Ask the Lord to bless and provide for
all the necessary preparations for these trips to take place. Please continue
to pray for his wife, Beth, as she cares for her elderly father, who longs for
his heavenly home. You can read reports and see pictures here: missionaryohlmann.blogspot.com
Opportunities – Please continue to
pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who,
by God's grace, are dedicated to proclaiming the truths of God's saving Word
for the salvation of souls as they trust the promise of our Savior that His Word
will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sends it.